What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster (2024)

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The Importance of Vaccinating Your Cat
How Often Should I Have My Cat Vaccinated?
Pet Insurance and Vaccines
What to Do Between Vaccinations

One important task that we can do as cat parents is to make vaccinations a priority. An initial round of vaccinations will keep your kitten healthy as they grow into adulthood, but vaccinations should not stop there. There is a vaccine schedule to follow throughout your cat’s entire life to ensure their health and safety.

Knowing that vaccinations are a responsibility to take seriously for the duration of your cat’s life might lead you to wonder what the cost of cat vaccinations will be this year. It’s a great question that deserves a thorough answer! Here is a breakdown of vaccination costs and insight into other aspects of vaccinating a cat.

What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster (2)

The Importance of Having Your Cat Vaccinated

All cats, especially kittens, are susceptible to various infectious diseases. Vaccinations help reduce the risk that your feline will become infected with a disease and minimize the chance that they could spread an illness to other cats.

Vaccines are the most effective way to protect against viruses and bacteria that can threaten the health, if not the life, of your cat. Even indoor cats should receive vaccinations as they can still be exposed.

An indoor cat’s immune system may not be exposed to as many dangers as an outdoor cat’s, so their bodies may be less inclined to know how to deal with an invading bacterium or virus. Vaccinations ensure that an indoor cat’s immune system can stand up to even the most aggressive diseases they could encounter.

What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster (3)

How Much Do Cat Vaccinations Cost?

The cost of a cat vaccination varies from place to place, region to region, and sometimes depends on how old the cat is. It also depends on the types of vaccines that the cat is getting. Four vaccinations are recommended for all cats and include rabies, feline calicivirus, feline panleukopenia, and feline rhinotracheitis. The latter three listed are combined into one vaccination and are typically referred to as a “distemper” vaccination.

Here are a few examples of what these major vaccinations could cost you, whether you’re located in the Southeast, West, Southwest, Northeast, or Midwest:

Vaccination TypeFloridaNew YorkOregonTexasKansas
Distemper combination$47$49$49$47$47

Keep in mind that these prices are for just one clinic or service provider per region, so the exact costs will depend on where you live and the kind of establishment you decide to use. Many states offer discounted cat vaccinations (as well as discounts for spaying and neutering) through county programs and established animal welfare organizations.

So, if you want to save money on vaccines, contact your local humane society or animal shelter to find out if any discount programs are offered in your area before reaching out to a veterinarian or vaccine clinic. If you can’t find a discount program to utilize, it’s a good idea to call multiple service providers to get quotes so you can make comparisons and confidently choose the most cost-effective place to take your cat.

Additional Costs to Anticipate

Most vaccination rates include the visit cost, so you shouldn’t have to pay more just to see the veterinarian or technician. If in doubt, make a quick call to verify whether additional charges can be expected for any reason. There are also a few other vaccinations that may benefit your feline depending on their age, health, lifestyle, and susceptibility to certain viruses and bacteria.

Prominent among these are feline leukemia and Bordetella. Like the core vaccines, these additional immunizations can vary in cost depending on your location, service provider, and cat’s age. There should be no additional costs to worry about when vaccinating your cat unless you pair the vaccine administration with a wellness checkup or another type of service, in which case, you’ll be responsible for paying for those services, too.

What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster (4)

How Often Should I Have My Cat Vaccinated?

Your cat’s vaccination schedule will be different when they are a kitten than when they are an adult. The core vaccinations require administration every few weeks for a kitten, but adults only need them every 1–3 years. The rabies vaccine is required after 12 weeks of age, a year later, and then every 1–3 years.

You can expect to head in for vaccines often until your kitten is about 4–5 months of age. Visits to your service provider will significantly decrease thereafter. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

Type of VaccinationInitial DosesRecommended Boosters
RabiesOnce at 12 weeks or older, then 1 year laterEvery 1 or 3 years, depending on the type of rabies vaccine administered
CoreOnce at 6–8 weeks, then every 3–4 weeks until the age of 16 to 20 weeksEvery 1–3 years
Bordetella (Non-core)Once at 4 weeks or olderAnnually or as determined by your vet
Feline Leukemia (Non-core)Once at 8 weeks or older, then again 3–4 weeks laterNone for strictly indoor cats, annually for cats that go outdoors or as directed by your vet

Your veterinarian should provide a specific vaccination schedule that highlights precisely when you should be taking your cat in to get their vaccinations. It’s never too late for a cat to get vaccinated, so don’t avoid getting yours inoculated just because they missed their kitten vaccines.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Cat Vaccinations?

Most pet insurance policies do not usually cover cat vaccinations. Instead, they focus on reimbursing you for the costs of surgery and treatment due to accidents and illnesses. However, some pet insurance companies offer supplemental add-on coverage, usually referred to as wellness coverage, that covers at least some of the costs of cat vaccinations as well as annual exams.

If you already have pet insurance, call your provider to find out if wellness coverage is already a part of your plan or if you can add the coverage. If you aren’t yet signed up for a pet insurance plan, read the fine print to see if cat vaccines are covered in some form.

What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster (5)

What to Do for Your Cat Between Vaccinations

Fortunately, not much must be done between vaccinations to keep your kitty healthy and safe. If possible, keep your cat indoors to optimize protection. It’s also a good idea not to allow your cat to encounter stray, ill, and unknown animals.

What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster (6)


Cat immunizations are important, and it’s a good idea to start preparing and budgeting now by understanding the costs and schedules to expect. Vaccines can protect your cat from incurable diseases and prevent them from infecting other cats. Hopefully, this guide has made the topic clearer so you know exactly what you’re getting into when vaccinating your cat.

See also:

  • How Much Is a Rabies Shot for a Cat? (Update)

Featured Image Credit: Kashaeva Irina, Shutterstock

What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster (2024)


What’s the Price of Cat Vaccinations? (Costs in 2024) - Catster? ›

They have their first set at nine weeks old and a second set when they're three months old. Kittens and cats usually need 'booster' vaccinations once a year, too. According to Catster, the first course of vaccinations can cost from around £44 up to £172, while the booster vaccinations can cost from £40 to £65.

How much does a cat vaccination cost? ›

They have their first set at nine weeks old and a second set when they're three months old. Kittens and cats usually need 'booster' vaccinations once a year, too. According to Catster, the first course of vaccinations can cost from around £44 up to £172, while the booster vaccinations can cost from £40 to £65.

What is the cost of cat vaccine? ›

Felocell 3 Cat Vaccine at Rs 600 | Kapilvastu Nagar | Nagpur | ID: 2852726776830.

How much does it cost to give a shot to a cat? ›

The cost of cat vaccinations will depend on things like where you live, whether you go to a vet's office or low-cost clinic, and the lifestyle and age of your cat. In general, you can expect to pay $50 or less per dose for cat vaccinations. Typically, cats require fewer vaccinations than dogs.

What is the 5 in 1 vaccine for cats? ›

A 5-in-1 vaccine for cats is sold under the brand name Fevac F5. It is an inactivated vaccine that protects against feline parvovirus (FPV), feline herpesvirus (FHP), feline calicivirus (FCV), Chlamydophila felis (C. felis), and the feline leukemia virus (FeLV).

How many shots does a cat need to be fully vaccinated? ›

According to feline experts, there are four essential vaccinations that all cats should receive to protect their health and well-being.

Are cat vaccinations worth it? ›

Vaccinations help to protect your cat from severe infectious diseases. It also prevents them from passing anything nasty on to other animals in your area.

Can I vaccinate my own cat? ›

We sell dog and cat vaccinations that you can administer to your pet on your own at home. These include the Canine Spectra™ 10, Canine Spectra 10+ Lyme, Canine Spectra™ 9, Canine Spectra™ 6, Canine Spectra™ 5, Kennel-Jec™ 2, Canine KC 3, Feline Focus Cat Vax 3 + FeLV, and Feline Focus™ 3 (vaccine drops).

Do indoor cats need shots? ›

Cats housed exclusively indoors generally do not require vaccination beyond feline panleukopenia virus, feline herpesvirus-1, and feline calicivirus. These core vaccines are recommended for every cat, indoor or outdoor, because of the widespread or severe nature of these diseases.

How many injections do cats need? ›

Kittens can be vaccinated from around eight weeks old. Two vaccines are usually needed – three to four weeks apart – to make sure kittens are well protected. A booster vaccine should also be given one year later to keep immunity levels high.

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Vaccinations All Cats Should Receive

Core vaccinations should be given to all cats, as they are essential for protecting them against the following common but serious feline conditions: Rabies - rabies kills many mammals (including humans) every year. These vaccinations are required by law for cats in most states.

How much is a FVRCP shot for cats? ›

FVRCP Cat Vaccine Cost Breakdown
Cost of FVRCP Vaccine at a Glance
Core vaccine packages$115 – $210
Booster shots (every 3 years)$20 – $40
Nov 2, 2022

How much is a cat vaccination? ›

Cat vaccine prices vary among vet practices, so it's worth shopping around. The kitten vaccination cost for a full course (two rounds) is around £75-120. An additional rabies vaccination costs around £60-80 and annual boosters cost about £50-£55.

What is the 3 2 1 rule for cat vaccines? ›

The 3-2-1 rule is to perform an incisional biopsy if a lump persists for three months or longer after an injection, ever becomes larger than 2 centimeters in diameter, or continues to increase in size one month after an injection. Dr. Stasiak said FISS treatment causes angst because the mainstay is aggressive surgery.

What is the triple vaccine for cats? ›

NOBIVAC® FELINE 3-HCP provides protection for multiple viruses. The only USDA-approved, 3-year core feline vaccine for rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia.

What happens if you don't vaccinate your cat? ›

If cats do not receive their shots during kittenhood, they will most likely contract feline calicivirus, rabies, feline distemper, feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline leukemia, chlamydia, and kennel cough.

How much does cat microchipping cost? ›

How much does it cost to microchip my cat? The cost of microchipping is usually between £10 – 30. You'll also find that some vets include a microchip in their health plans and some charities offer them for free or a reduced cost.


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